COTHA United Service 23rd January 2022

COTHA United Service 23rd January 2022

It was a great joy for us to be able to gather as members of COTHA (Churches on The Hill, Amersham) for a United Morning Service on Sunday 23rd January 2022 at St John's Methodist Church.


We were welcomed to the service by The Revd Nigel Wright, who reminded us that, as St John's will be closing for worship on Easter Day 2022, this was the last time COTHA would be meeting in this way.


A great group of musicians had been gathered together from our various churches and they led us in the hymns and songs.

The Revd Ian Green preached on the lectionary reading of the day and prayers were offered up by St Michael's clergy, The Revs Debbie Oades and Peter Binns.



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