The Lunch Club
The Men's Luncheon Club was formed in 1985 at a time when it became obvious that, perhaps as a result of earlier retirements, there appeared to be more men around during the week than formerly. Among the local churches there were numerous popular ladies' groups, but none for the men. What might the men appreciate? The answer proved to be good food and good company.
The format of the monthly meetings, usually held on the third Friday of each month, has recently changed. Those attending are now asked to bring a packed lunch and the meeting is also open to ladies. After eating together there is a talk. It is now called The Lunch Club.
Eleven meetings are held in a typical year. During May a frugal meal is served, usually during Christian Aid Week and the funds raised donated to that cause. An AGM is held in December. At that meeting any surplus of income over expenditure is donated to charity. At this time the Vice Chairman assumes the Chairmanship for the following year and a new Vice Chairman is elected.
The group has a pool of approximately 30 members. Typical attendance at a meeting is between 20 and 25. In the main the members are from local churches, although some have no known church connection.
The popularity of the group no doubt stems from the opportunity which it presents for the company of others of a similar age and relatively short talks on topics of general interest to the members.